Larry Heck speaks at the CLSP Seminar

The Center for Language and Speech Processing at Johns Hopkins University has a long-running seminar series where researchers from academia and industry are invited to present their latest work. Professor Larry Heck from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Co-PI on the CoCoSys effort in JUMP 2.0 will present on “Next Generation Virtual Assistants: […]

ASU and SUNY Poly successfully fabricate CMOS/RRAM test chip

A 65nm CMOS/RRAM test chip has been successfully fabricated and is now under testing. This test chip achieves digital-assisted analog in-memory computing (IMC). Leveraging the ensemble of RRAM IMC and digital SRAM, this design fully recovers the IMC accuracy under device variations and limited ADC precision, with high area efficiency. The chip is fabricated through […]

Priyanka Raina receives the NSF CAREER award

Priyanka Raina (Stanford) received the NSF CAREER award for her proposal, “A Framework for Co-design and Optimization of Programmable Hardware Accelerators and Compilers.” The National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a foundation-wide activity that offers the NSF’s most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to […]

Priyanka Raina presents at ISSCC 2023

PI Priyanka Raina (Stanford) presented an invited talk titled “Co-design of Programmable Hardware Accelerators and Compilers for Future Heterogeneous Computing Systems” at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2023 held in San Francisco, California, on February 23, 2023. Priyanka’s talk was part of a forum on “The Future of Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures for AI and […]

Anca Dragan speaks on a panel at the Open AI Alignment Workshop

Open AI ran a workshop on aligning AI agents with human values in early March, bringing together researchers from machine learning and AI safety to discuss risks and possible solutions from ever-more-capable large language models. PI Anca Dragan (UC Berkeley) served on the panel discussing risks and addressed the issue of preference influence as a […]

“Computably Continuous Reinforcement-Learning Objectives Are PAC-Learnable” published at AAAI

PI Michael Carbin (MIT) and his Ph.D. student Jonathan Frankle published their work on PAC guarantees for reinforcement-learning in AAAI’23. This expands the realm of known PAC bounds for reinforcement-learning to any objective that is computability continuous in that for any degree of precision, the objective must be computably approximated within a finite horizon. The […]

Roy selected as Paper Award Finalist at WACV

PI Kaushik Roy (Purdue) was selected as a paper award finalist, alongside his Ph.D. student Gobinda Saha, at the 2023 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) for his work on “Saliency Guided Experience Packing for Replay in Continual Learning.” WACV’s “premier international computer vision event” papers are by invitation only. It was […]

Roy Presented at the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Kaushik Roy and his Ph.D. student Gobinda Saha presented their work on “Continual Learning with Scaled Gradient Projection” at the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, held in Washington, DC, on February 7-14, 2023. Their work on “Continual Learning with Scaled Gradient Projection” proposed the Scaled Gradient Projection (SGP) method, which results in better performance […]